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Jennifer: Part 1

Just a few scant days after I returned home from a few months on the east coast, I had a photo shoot with Jennifer and Nicole (her session to follow shortly!) up at Red Rocks Amphitheater.  Red Rocks is by far my favorite place to attend concerts and is just beautiful with its surroundings in general.

We headed up toward the stage area of the amphitheater to start and the ridiculousness that are the stairs loomed before me.

Now, I'm in decent shape but when met with the suicidal 196 steps that lead from the road to the stage, my not-even-close-to-being-reacclimated-to-the-altitude-of-Colorado body wanted to collapse and die by stair 15.  I'm not kidding.  But how embarrassing would it be to die minutes before doing a fitness shoot?  Very, I tell you.  So me and my burning and wanting-to-collapse lungs trudged up the stairs and were met with the ever awesome surroundings of Red Rocks. 

(No, we didn't climb the additional 192 stairs to the top of the amphitheater but thank you internet for this lovely image.)

Now, onto what this post is really about!  

 I love the way the beams of the seating curve back and upward in this picture.

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